Getting Started


There are multiple options to install and set up the IRO utility, including cloning the repo, using Vagrant or Docker, as well as using pip to install it.

1. Easiest Method: pip

  1. Open up a terminal (on Linux or OSX), or Command Prompt (On Windows)
  2. Run pip install django-iro to install the utility and associated dependencies

2. Cloning the Repository

  1. Open up a terminal (on Linux or OSX), or Command Prompt (On Windows)
  2. Run git clone git:// to clone the repository to the current machine
  3. Type cd iro to change directory to the IRO utility
  4. Run pip install -r requirements.txt to install the dependencies

3. Using Docker

If you have Docker installed, you can use the included Dockerfile to build the utility 1. Download fromm GitHub the Dockerfile

4. Using Vagrant

If Vagrant is more your thing, the included Vagrant files can be used to run the utility in a virtual machine 1. Download the Vagrant file from GitHub 2. Open up a terminal (on Linux or OSX), or Command Prompt (On Windows) in the directory where the vagrant file was downloaded 3. Run vagrant up to build the virtual machine

Initial Setup

After IRO is installed, follow the steps below to setup the database and get a working utility (Ignore if using Docker or Vagrant):

  1. Go to the directory where
  2. Open up a terminal (on Linux or OSX), or Command Prompt (On Windows)
  3. Run python3 migrate to create the database
  4. To start the basic server then, run python3 runserver
  5. To create a superuser, which gives access to the administration panel, run python3 createsuperuser and follow the prompts onscreen